Friday, May 31, 2013

Postcards from the edge: Sunset-hunting in Dubai

My sister is an OFW (overseas Filipino worker) in Dubai. She left late 2011 and she was back home last December for her first vacation after finishing a year of her contract. Actually there is another story here, one that I will write about in another post. time, while driving along one of the provincial roads on our way home from somewhere, I stopped to point out the sunset. My sister looked at it and said, "oh, in Dubai,the sunset is enormous."

Yes, I remember. I was there in March 2012 for a short meeting and one thing I remember vividly were the sunsets. It was so near, so heavy, so big. It was breathtaking. I still have to read up on why it seems closer and much bigger in that side of the world.

My sunset-hunting has taken me to so many places, or I would always sunset-hunt in the places I find myself in. One place sunset-hunters should not miss then is Dubai (or the middle east).

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